Basic Concepts Of Database and Database Management Systems (DBMS)


1. Concept of Database

  • Data: Raw facts without organization.
  • Database: Organized collection of inter-related data ensuring safety, security, and integrity. Stores data in tables (relations).

2. Database Management System (DBMS)

  • DBMS: Software for storing, maintaining, and using databases.
  • Database System: Combination of database and DBMS software.
  • Examples: Oracle, MS SQL Server, MS Access, Paradox, DB2, MySQL (open source and freeware).

3. Advantages of Database Systems

  • Reduces Redundancy: Avoids data duplication.
  • Controls Inconsistency: Prevents data discrepancies by centralizing storage.
  • Facilitates Data Sharing: Allows multiple users to access data.
  • Ensures Security: Protects data from unauthorized access or modifications.
  • Maintains Integrity: Enforces rules to ensure data validity (e.g., date format).

4. Concept of Data Model

  • Data Model: Representation of data organization in the database.
    • Relational Data Model: Data stored in tables (rows and columns).
    • Network Data Model: Data represented by records linked with pointers.
    • Hierarchical Data Model: Data organized as a tree with a root and child records.
    • Object-Oriented Data Model: Data represented as objects within classes.

5. Basics of Relational Data Model

  • Relation (Table): Two-dimensional matrix of data with rows and columns.
    • Atomicity: Columns have unique names and indivisible values.
    • No Duplicity: Unique rows; no identical rows allowed.
    • Homogeneity: Columns contain similar data types.
    • Ordering: Rows and columns can be unordered.
  • Key Terms:
    • Domain: Set of possible values for a column.
    • Tuple/Record: Row in a table.
    • Attribute/Field: Column in a table.
    • Degree: Number of columns in a table.
    • Cardinality: Number of rows in a table.

6. Concept of Keys

  • Primary Key: Unique identifier for each record in a table. Each table should have one.
    • Examples: Student Admission Number, Book Accession Number, Employee ID.
  • Candidate Key: Any column or set of columns that could serve as a primary key. One is chosen as the primary key.
    • Alternate Key: Candidate keys not chosen as the primary key.
  • Foreign Key: A non-key attribute that refers to the primary key of another table, used to establish relationships and enforce referential integrity.

Example of Keys

  • Student Table:
    • Primary Key: Admission_No
    • Candidate Keys: RollNo, Admission_No
    • Alternate Key: RollNo (if Admission_No is chosen as primary)
23011Seema Chauhan1123
15012Ajay Kumar1115
16783Vansh Pratap1120
70034Manohar Lal1115

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