Types of Software: Concise Notes – Class 11 CS


1. System Software

System software helps manage and control computer hardware so that application software can perform. It includes:

  • Operating Systems (OS):
    • Manages hardware and software resources.
    • Provides a user interface (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux).
  • System Utilities:
    • Programs that perform maintenance tasks.
    • Examples: Antivirus software, disk cleanup tools.
  • Device Drivers:
    • Software that allows the OS to communicate with hardware devices.
    • Examples: Printer drivers, graphics card drivers.

2. Programming Tools and Language Translators

These tools help in writing and converting code into a language that computers can understand:

  • Assembler:
    • Converts assembly language into machine code.
    • Used for low-level programming.
  • Compiler:
    • Translates entire high-level programming code into machine code before execution.
    • Examples: GCC (GNU Compiler Collection), Java Compiler.
  • Interpreter:
    • Translates and executes code line-by-line.
    • Slower than compilers but useful for scripting and testing.
    • Examples: Python Interpreter, JavaScript Engine.

3. Application Software

Application software helps users perform specific tasks. It includes:

  • Productivity Software:
    • Helps in creating documents, presentations, spreadsheets.
    • Examples: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • Web Browsers:
    • Software to access and browse the internet.
    • Examples: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.
  • Media Players:
    • Programs to play audio and video files.
    • Examples: VLC Media Player, Windows Media Player.
  • Graphics Software:
    • Used for creating and editing images.
    • Examples: Adobe Photoshop, GIMP.


  • System Software: Manages computer hardware and provides a platform for applications (Operating Systems, System Utilities, Device Drivers).
  • Programming Tools and Language Translators: Aid in writing and translating code (Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter).
  • Application Software: Helps users perform specific tasks (Productivity Software, Web Browsers, Media Players, Graphics Software).

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